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"Where Everybody Is Welcomed At God's Table"
In - Person Sunday Worship Services have been suspended as we practice "Love of Neighbor" during this current time of safe distancing.
Welcome! St. Thomas is now part of a partnership that is joining our Episcopal Church congregation with the people of Grace Church, Oxford. We hope this partnership leads to a strong church that is visible and helpful part of the Oxford community. When in-person worship resumes, we will worship together on Sunday mornings in Oxford.
If you have Pastoral needs, please contact ...
Some Resources for Worship Online ...
Christ Church, Rochdale at 9am Sundays - Zoom
Washington National Cathedral 11:15 am Sundays - Streaming
Washington National Cathedral Months schedule of events
St. Mark's, East Longmeadow at 10 am (Rite II, Choir)
St. Andrews Longmeadow at 10 am (Liturgy of the Word, Only)
Christ Trinity Church Sheffield at 10 am (Rite II, Choir)
35 School St.
Auburn, Ma.
Please join us as we celebrate Holy Eucharist every Sunday at
9:30 am.*
* unless otherwise noted
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